

The renovated reception area will brighten, open and modernize the school’s main entrance and offer two new accessible workstations for faculty, staff, volunteers, and elementary school student leaders. Designed to support either contemplative focus or collaborative work, these workstations, as well as three new office spaces on the first floor, will elevate cross campus teamwork and better address day to day needs.

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Central Corridor

The central corridor is an everyday pathway for St. George’s faculty, staff, and students. By expanding the corridor, enhancing it with built-in alcoves and student display wall space, we create a new hub for collaboration and creativity within the core of our main floor.

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Kindergarten Cubbies

Adjacent to our Kindergarten classrooms and bathrooms, redesigning this area was core to this revitalization project. With this newly expanded space, we offer our youngest learners built-in wooden cubbies, increased storage for teachers, and design elements that inspire the imagination of new students and their families.

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High School Learning Commons

Our new High School Learning Commons is abuzz with energy and action. More than a library, this modern 21st-century learning environment is designed to be a place that connects research, media and

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Elementary School Revitalization Project

The Elementary School Revitalization Project aims to rejuvenate the heart of our school and cultivate a welcoming atmosphere. Fostering a culture of collaboration and creativity by setting the stage for a fulfilling journey of learning and growth.

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High School

Our graduates are responsible global citizens who understand the importance of expressing their unique selves and respecting the same in others. Confident and collaborative, they are prepared for an ever-changing world and for living a life of meaning with integrity.

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Elementary School

Our students live and learn in an environment that nurtures their natural curiosity through dialogue, collaboration, thinking, and doing.

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Our Story

Nine decades of graduating confident, original, independent, resilient, critical thinkers. Our school’s founders were motivated by bold ideas that were way ahead of their time.

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School and Board Committees

St. George’s has eight School and Board Committees (Advancement, Buildings & Grounds, Education, Finance, Governance, Marketing, Nominating & Review, and PAC). The Nominating & Review Committee engages current parents who are aligned with St. George’s Mission, Vision and Values and have expertise in specific areas for Committee work when needed.

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School Life

School life at St. George’s encompasses a multitude of events and activities reflecting students’ interests and curiosities. Volunteers may be called upon to support in a number of ways ranging from judging the World Scholar’s Cup to running a game at Carnival Day. No prior experience or expertise is needed except a willingness to roll up your sleeves!

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Elementary School Campus
3685 The Boulevard
Westmount, QC H3Y 1S9

High School Campus
3100 The Boulevard
Montréal, QC H3Y 1R9
